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Treatment of Stress-Related Disorders/Burnout

The Center for Stress-Related Disorders specializes in the treatment of mental illnesses associated with the processing of stress.

Stress processing disorders can result in various clinical syndromes:

  • Burnout, exhaustion or reactive depression, anxiety disorders
  • Stress-related pain disorders
  • Sleep disorders

Burnout and Exhaustion Depression

At Sanatorium Kilchberg, we have developed, researched and successfully established the SymBalance therapy concept for the treatment of burnout and exhaustion depression. The SymBalance therapy concept has been established as an inpatient treatment program for over ten years. It is now being expanded to include a program in English.

This program for English-speaking patients started in August 2024. It is available to patients with private and semi-private insurance, as well as to patients with general insurance who pay an additional daily flat rate.

Unlike conventional approaches, SymBalance distinguishes among three basic dimensions of burnout:

  • objective
  • subjective
  • existential

Prolonged imbalance between performance requirements and resources can lead to stressful consequences. These factors are usually to be found in the professional environment. However, they can also arise from excessive social or family demands. Depending upon the individual situation, we identify one of these three dimensions when structuring the therapy.

The intensive SymBalance program consists of individual and group psychotherapy, exercise and creative/regenerative activities.

Brochure SymBalance Burnout Therapy program


The program is available to patients with private and semi-private insurance, as well as to patients with general insurance who pay an additional daily flat rate.

Registration for the program in English can be made by patients themselves, by family members or by the treating medical or therapeutic specialist. After you have registered by telephone or in writing, we will arrange a preliminary appointment with you to plan the next steps and, if necessary, initiate an inpatient admission. During the registration process, an assignment report may be required. We will be happy to inform you if this is needed.

Please contact the reception (triage):

Monday to Friday from 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM
+41 44 716 42 75

Treatment Registration

Sanatorium Kilchberg AG

Alte Landstrasse 70
CH-8802 Kilchberg
Telefon +41 44 716 42 42

Für Anmeldungen / Zuweisungen

Telefon +41 44 716 42 75

Zentrum für Psychosomatik

Selnaustrasse 6
CH-8001 Zürich
Telefon +41 44 716 38 38

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